From what age can WASHDENT be used?
WASHDENT can be used by adults and children over 15 years old.
From what age can WASHDENT Junior be used?
WASHDENT can be used by children over 7 years old.
What does it mean “Toothfriendly tested”?
“Toothfriendly tested” is a certification granted by the non-profit association Toothfriendly International. These “Toothfriendly» properties are determined in a standardized in vivo plaque-pH telemetry test conducted by independent University Dental Institutes. Toothfriendly products may not lower plaque-pH below 5.7. The acid exposure of the teeth may not exceed 40 µmol H+ min. The validity of this test is generally recognized in the dental profession and is cited by reference in the US Code of Federal Regulations and in the EU Regulation on Nutrition and Health Claims.
Can WASHDENT replace brushing?
No, WASHDENT cannot replace brushing. The toothbrush is an irreplaceable oral hygiene instrument. WASHDENT is a product to be used when a toothbrush is not available or its use is not feasible.
Can WASHDENT be swallowed?
Yes, it can. Remember that WASHDENT is a food supplement and, therefore, to obtain all of its benefits, it is recommended to swallow it as stated in the instructions for use.
Is WASHDENT suitable for diabetic patients?
Yes, WASHDENT is suitable for those with diabetes. WASHDENT does not contain any sucrose and has a reduced caloric value.
Does WASHDENT contain xylitol?
Yes, WASHDENT does contain xylitol. Xylitol is a “tooth-friendly”, non-fermentable, naturally occurring sugar substitute; it is as sweet as normal sugar but contains less energy. Xylitol may be useful as an alternative to sugar for people with diabetes as it does not raise blood glucose or insulin levels, and has a reduced caloric value (2.4kcal/g compared to 4.0 for sucrose).
How many sachets of WASHDENT can I take per day?
You can use up to a maximum of three sachets of WASHDENT per day.
Does WASHDENT contain fluoride?
No, WASHDENT does not contain fluoride.
What are the advantages of WASHDENT over chewing gum?
First and foremost, WASHDENT does not need to be chewed. Plus:
Chewing gum is often responsible for headaches in teenagers.
Chewing gum can contribute to Irritable Bowel Syndrome, as excess air can be swallowed, which contributes to abdominal pain and bloating.
Excessive gum chewing is a risk factor for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD), the symptoms of which include pain, difficulty opening the mouth fully, difficulty or discomfort while chewing, headaches, etc.
Sugar in sugar-containing gum is used by plaque bacteria to produce decay-causing acids.